A great app to learn all the languages ​​of the world in a few minutes - M Tech

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A great app to learn all the languages ​​of the world in a few minutes

More than 80 million bus users wait to learn a language!

Become a member of the Busuu community and your writing and literacy training will be edited by local speakers. Plus, you can help others in your own language!

To practice your language skills

 Speaking of lessons and basic exercises

✔ Pronunciation examples and exercises

Grammar Notes and Tutorials

மாதிரிகள் Listening / Audio Models

எழுது Writing lessons and exercises

✔ Conversation lessons and exercises

✔ Memory Procedures

✔ Lesson courses and exercises

Learn the basic words and phrases and advance rapidly with vocabulary and grammar units, audio conversations, reading exercises, spelling challenges, language games and interactive lessons.
★ Practice by writing exercises for fluent speakers to help you perfect your skills.
Set a personal goal to ensure your learning objectives are met quickly.
Ensure personalized, highly effective learning curve to suit your skills.
Learn about 3000 words with 150 most important topics and specific language training.

Below we have listed this application link. If you need, download the link below.


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